
Vampire character creation- Step 1: Backstory

Some people swear by backstories, some people have five-year-old characters with no real history. But, the reality is, writing a backstory is a good idea.

If you're new to Vampire and need help with character creation, even a couple of pages outlining your character can give your Storyteller the information s/he needs to get you on the right track. It can help determine what clan your character belongs to, the flaws and merits they might have, and their nature and demeanor; every aspect of character creation can be explained in a thorough backstory.

If you're an experienced player, a fleshed out backstory can get your extra points and might give you an advantage if you're asking for nontraditional character elements. If you want to give your Toreador Projectile Vomit (usually reserved for Nosferatu) or want your Ventrue to have Street ties, it can help your case to give the Storytellers details on why you should have it.

Many games also make backstories mandatory for certain Clans, and expect to write a backstory if you want to play a non-vampire character in a Vampire chronicle or a rare Clan (think Camarilla Lasombra). Also, double check to see if you can play your dream character at all. Many games won't allow players to make Changeling, Werewolf, or Mage characters unless the players jump through hoops, if they let them in the game at all.

A little elbow grease in the beginning of character creation can mean a world of difference when you first get into gameplay.

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